Sulfur, Sulfate, Sulfite

Subject: Sulfur, Sulfate, Sulfite

SULFUR:  A non-metallic element present in all proteins; a mineral - a constituent of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and Biotin and several essential amino acids necessary for manufacturing collagen (which helps to form bones, tendons,and "connective tissue"), and a constituent of Keratin (hair, skin, and nails); occuring widely in nature both free and combined in several allotropic forms.  It is used in black gun-powder, rubber vulcanisation, the manufacture of insecticides and pharmaceuticals, and in the preparation of important sulfur compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide and sulfuric acid.

SULFATE:  A chemical compound containing the bivalent group SO4.  To treat or react with sulfuric acid or a sulfate.

FOOD SOURCES:  Wheat germ, brussel sprouts, cabbage, onions, garlic, lentils, eggs, fish, lean meat, nuts, dried beans, and pasta.

SULFITE:  A salt or ester of sulfurous acid.

SULFURIC ACID:  A highly corrosive, dense oily liquid, colourless to dark brown depending on purity and used to manufacture a wide variety of chemicals and materials including fertilisers, paints, detergents, and explosives.  Also called "oil of vitriol".

SULFUROUS ACID:  A colourless solution of sulfur dioxide in water, characterised by a suffocating sulphurous odour, used as a bleaching agent, preservative, and disinfectant.


VITAMIN B-1 or THIAMINE:  A water soluble vitamin;  as co-enzyme helps break down the pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide and water and converts lactic acid onto glycogen.  Also known as an anti-oxidant. 

FOOD SOURCES:  Yeast, wheat germ products, polish rice, pork, milk, nuts, liver, peas, lentils, soy beans, dried beans, lean meat, fish, and green vegetables.

Pyruvic Acid:  A colourless liquid formed as a fundamental intermediate in protein and carbohydrate metabolism.  It is broken down by Thiamine into carbon dioxide and water. 

Lactic Acid:  A hygroscopic syrupy liquid present in sour milk, molasses, various fruits, and wines, and used in foods and beverages as an acidulant, favouring, and preservative, and in adhesives, plasticizers, and pharmaceuticals.  It is broken down by Thiamine into glycogen (sugar).   Used frequently as preservative in candy and soft drinks.

FORMS OF VITAMIN B-1 or THIAMINE:  Thiamine disulfide, thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine monomitrate, thiamine phosphoric acid ester chloride, thiamine phosphoris acid ester phosphate salt, thismine 1,5-salt, Vitamin B-1 propyl disulfide, thiamine triphosphoric acid ester, thiamine triphosphoric acid salt, thiamine 0,S-diacetate.

DEFICIENCY RESULTS IN:   Beriberi, Brain Deterioration, Memory Decreased, Depression, Emotional Agitation, Emotional Deterioration, Vision Decreased, Inflamation of Optic Nerve, Mental Health Deterioration, Personality Changes, Central Nervous System Deterioration, Deterioration of Reflexes, Increased Pyruvic Acid in Blood, Tingling toes, Burning Feet, Decreased Sense of Touch, Fatigue, Digestion Deterioration, Appetite Decreased, Difficulty in  Digesting Carbohydrates, Constipation, Immunity Decreased, Decreased Protein Synthesis, Abdominal and Chest Pains, Cardiac Deterioration, Decreased Blood Pressure, Varicose Veins, Bluish Skin Colour, Laboured Breathing, Tender Leg Muscles, Decreased Cancer Resistance, and Hypothermia (low body temperature). 

**With a deficiency acids remain in tissues as irritants until excreted.  Pyruvic Acid accumulates in brain cells and it "toxic".

**Fatigue results from only partially burned sugar and fat.  Lack of that sugar affects nerves resulting in forms of Neuritis and lack of muscle control.

VITAMIN B-1 or THIAMINE TOXICITY:   Muscle Tremors, Fluid Accumulation in Tissues, Skin Inflammation, Nervousness, Heart Palpitationa, Allergies, Altered Thyroid and Insulin Production, Vitamin B-6 Decreased.

**Vitamin B-6 in higher dosage than daily requirement can replace steroids such as Prednisone.  Known to stop Herpes attacks as long as it is taken.  Good for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.   Can stop seizures and hallucinations.

**Chlorogenic Acid (found in coffee) destroys Thiamine in the body.

**Lactic Acid Deficiency causes Fatigue and General Feeling of Lassitude.  Lack of sugar for Nerve Protection renders forms of Neuritis..

VITAMIN H or BIOTIN:  (Biotin Sulfoxide)  A colourless crystalline vitamin often considered in the vitamin B complex.  Essential for the activities of various enzymes involved in the breakdown of fatty acids and carbohydrates.  Also manufactured by intestinal bacteria.  

FOOD SOURCES:  Yeast, egg yolk, milk, liver, peanuts, dried beans, mushrooms, bananas, grapefruit, and watermelon.

DEFICIENCY of VITAMIN H or BIOTIN:  Weakness, Tiredness, Poor Appetite, Hair Loss, Depression, Inflammation of the Tongue, and Eczema.

**Egg Whites counteract it and render it useless to the body.

**Antibiotics and Sulfa drugs kill the bacteria in the intestines and can result in deficiency.

AMINO ACIDS:  The two Amino Acids with main contribution in sulfur are Methionine, an essential amino acid, and Cystine, a non-essential amino acid.

METHIONINE:  Essential Amino Acid, sulfur-containing amino acid.

**Deficiency of Methionin:  Baldness, Liver Deterioration, Rheumatic Fever, Toxemia of Pregnancy, Muscles Paralyzation, Protein Decreased, Decreased Cysteine Production, Decreased Cystine Production, Selenium Decreased.

CYSTEINE:  Non-essential Amino Acid, sulfur-containing amino acid.

**Deficiency of Cysteine:  Immunity Decreased, Deterioration of Hair Growth, Deterioration of Fingernail Growth, Premature Aging, Protein Decreased.

***CYSTINE:  A non-essential amino acid, the principal sulfur-containing amino acid of protein.  (Not to be confused with "Cysteine" Amino Acid.)

COLLAGEN:  Found in connective tissues, bones, and tendons, and manufactured with the aide of Amino Acids.

**Those "Diseases Malfunctioning of the Immune System"  and known as "Auto-Immune Disorders".    Often affects the blood vessels and is called "Collagen Vascular Diseases" --- secondary damage in connective tissues and called Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemis Lupus Erthematosis, Periarteris Nodosa, Scleroderma, Dermatomyositis, and "other" less clearly identified disorders.

***Vitamin B-12 taken approximately 20 to 30 minutes before anything eaten or drank with "sulfites" converts many of them to IN-ACTIVE substances.

***VITAMIN B-12 and FOLATE together form more red cells. 

***FOLIC ACID:  Plays vital role in activities of various enzymes involved in

                         manufacture of nycleic acids and therefore in growth and

                         production of red blood cells.

***VITAMIN B-12 DEFICIENCY results in Pernicious and Megaloblastic Anemia, Deterioriation of Central Nervous System, Skin Palor, Heart Palpitations, sometimes more severe Heart Disturbances, and Sore Red Inflamed Tongue.

***SULFITES are known to trigger Asthma and other Allergy Symptoms.

***AVOID ZINC:   It "boosts" the immune system and "T" Cells.

***VITAMIN A:  Recommended for SLE.

***VITAMIN C:   Plays an important role in "collagen" formation.

***VITAMIN D:  Helps regulate the balance of calcium and phosphate, aids in

                       the absorption of calcium from the intestine, and is essential

                       strong bones and teeth.

Vitamin E:  Essential for normal cell structure, maintaining activities of certain

                 enzymes, and formation of red blood cells.




Allergy and Sensitivity to Sulfur and/or either of its derivatives can cause a whole body response, not just that of a commonly seen rash following the ingestion of a sulfur-based antibiotic.   Sulfur is found, naturally, throughout the whole body as evidenced and verified by Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) and Vitamin H (Biotin), One Essential Amino Acid (Methionine) and Two Non-essential Amino Acids (Cyestine and Cystine) and can be found stored within the connective tissues.

Both Vitamin B-1(Thiamine) and Vitamin H (Biotin) are sulfur based and thus very high in sulfur, as are the above mentioned Amino Acids. 

A person being allergic and or sensitive to sulfur and its derivatives, will likely have a reaction to this.  The concentrations of the sulfurs found naturally here are not as concentrated as that usually found in the antibiotics often prescribed for various infections, and from which a more violent reaction is commonly seen and manifested as a rash.   The forms of this sulfur are essentially the same.   If the medication form causes an allergic reaction, then it is likely that your body is also reacting to the sulfur within but in a less violent way but on a continual basis.

If the body is reacting negatively to the sulfur content of those vitamins and Amino Acids, would it not stand to reason, that your body is not getting the benefits of those vitmains and amino acids and in reality would be "deficient" in them?   See the list of "Deficiency Symptoms".   How many of them fit Behcets Symptoms?

If the sulfur allergy overrides the Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) thus allowing toxic levels of peruvuc Acid in the brain, personality changes, erratic behaviour, depression, and forgetfulness are common results.   Your intake or ingestion of the amount of sulfur via the Vitamins and Amino Acids as in the foods and beverages you consume fluctuate on a daily basis, would not the level or concentration of sulfur, and or peruvic acid also fluctuate?  Also known to be affected in this same manner are other behavioural problems as directly related to the B-1 or Thiamine deficiency such as outbursts and rage, and hypothermia (low body temperature).

A sulfur allergy as related to Biotin can be seen in digestive problems with such foods and beverages as milk, liver, and eggs.

Given the sulfur content and constant exposure to varying amounts of sulfur and the body's allergic response to sulfur, it is any wonder that the body would reach such an extreme and intense total body reaction to it?

The underlying cause for the "allergy to sulfur" is believed to stem from a gene that malformed before birth.

I have applied the symptoms and conditions as related to the above Vitamins B-1 (Thiamine) and H (Biotin) and the Amino Acids respectively.   The majority of the symptoms given in the Deficiencies of these are found also as Behcets symptoms.

Is this coincidence or is this the "missing link" and maybe the "core" of Behcets?

I am undertaking my own research testing of this with application to my own body.  The protocol being, AVOID foods listed as high in sulfur naturally, avoid foods and beverages high in Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) and Vitamin H (Biotin) and the 3 Amino Acids respectively, all asparin products, zinc, Lactic Acids.  

Supplement with Vitamin B-12 apx 20 to 30 minutes prior to a meal.

Supplement with Vitamin B-12 immediately after a meal to build red blood cells in 

                                             bone marrow.

Supplement with Folic Acid immediately after a meal for production and growth of

                                         red blood cells and healthy functioning of the nervous


Supplement with Vitamin B-6 when taking medications for immune system control

                                          as it is known to have prednisone replacement

                                          properties.   Otherwise best consumed on empty

                                          stomach for this benefit.

Supplement with Vitamin C for maintenance of healthy bones, teeth, gums,

                                        ligaments, and blood vessels as well as multiple system

                                        support and over-all body function.

Supplement with Vitamin A known for benefits in fighting SLE.

Supplement with Vitamin D for strengthening bones and teeth.

Supplement with Vitamin E for formation normal cell structure and formation of red

                                        blood cells.

I will continue my current medications as prescribed by my physician.   I have checked and verified that none of the above Vitamins will work against them, as are none of them known to be "immune boosters".

For the schedule and dosages of medications and vitamin supplements, please see the section titled "Protocol of Medications and Vitamins".

Sources of Reference and Research Materials used: 

The American Medical Association ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MEDICINE, Medical Editor, Charles B. Clayman, MD.

The Complete Book of VITAMINS AND MINERALS FOR HEALTH, by the Editors of Prevention Magazine

DICTIONARY OF NUTRITION, by Richard Ashley and Heidi Duggal, Introduction by Roy Brown, MD.

NUTRIENTS CATALOGUE, by Harvey Newstrom.

The AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY of the English Language, William Morris, Editor.

On-Line Reference and Research Materials:

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